Rex Carr
Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science; 2020
B.A., Political Science and Philosophy, University of Maine, 2006
M.A., Political Science, Baylor University, 2009
Rex G. Carr, Jr.'s primary field is international relations, with a secondary concentration in political theory. His areas of interest include modern political thought, the intersection of religion and politics, and post-modern international theory. Dissertation Title: An International Will-To-Power: Nietzsche's Theory of International Politics
Selected Publications
Review of J. Caleb Clanton, Religion and Democratic Citizenship: Inquiry and Conviction in the American Public Square, in Journal of Church and State Vol 52., No. 5 (Winter 2010): 160-162.
"Overcoming the Past: Nietzsche's Creator and the Contributions of Christianity," presented at Baylor University's 19th Century Research Seminar, Waco, TX, April 2013
“Nietzsche’s Backward Glance: Modern Man’s Origins and the Means to His Future,” presented at the Louisiana Political Science Association, Conference, and Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA, March 2012
“The Politics of Overcoming: Zarathustra and the Reappropriation of Human History,” presented at the Lone Star Chapter Conference for the Study of Political Thought, Tyler, TX, February 2011
“War, Politics, and Realism in Clausewitz’s On War," presented at Baylor University's International Relations panel, Waco, TX, 2008
Courses Taught
PSC 3315 Fundamentals of International Politics, Fall 2010, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013
PSC 4355 Power, Morality and International Relations, Spring 2011, Spring 2013
Teaching Apprenticeships
PSC 3355 Causes of War, Spring 2010
PSC 4330 Urban Political Processes, Spring 2009