Global Issues and Institutions Courses
Nine hours from Global Issues and Institutions (Political and Development Issues, Economics, Belief Systems). The nine hours may be taken from one global issues and institutions section or from multiple global issues and institutions sections.
1. Political and Development Issues
- ANT 1306 Cultural Anthropology in Global Context
- ANT 1310 Cultural Geography
- ANT 1325 Intro to Global Health
- ANT 1404 Introduction to Human Evolution
- ANT 2305 Cultural Anthropology in a Global Context
- ANT 3320 Environment and Human Behavior
- ANT 3350 Native North Americans
- ANT 4305 Anthropological Theory
- ANT 4306 Economic Anthropology
- ANT 4311 4310 World Food Problems
- ANT 4320 Culture, Personality and Identity
- ANT 4321 Climate Anthropology (Cross Listed as ENV 4322)
- ANT 4325 Medical Anthropology
- ANT 4331 Global Health Ethics
- ANT 4332 Global Health Disparities
- ANT 4334 Child and Family Health in Global Perspective
- ANT 4336 Global Health Policy
- ANT 4350 Development and Indigenous People (Cross listed as ENV 4350)
- ANT 4362 Applied Anthropology (Cross-Listed as ENV 4362)
- ANT 4373 One Health: Connection Global Health and Conservation Medicine
- BL 4320 International Business Law
- CFS 4356 The Family: A Global Perspective
- ENV 4310 World Food Problems
- ENV 4350 Development and Indigenous People
- GEO 4312 Oceanography
- GEOG 1300 World Geography
- JOU 3387 International Communication
- PPS 4310 Philanthropy, Civil Society, and the Public Good
- PSC 3301 Scope and Methods of Political Science
- PSC 3314 Politics and Problems of Developing Countries
- PSC 3320 Minority and Ethnic Group Politics
- PSC 3324 World Political Systems
- PSC 3325 Ethnopolitical Conflicts
- PSC 3355 The Causes of War
- PSC 3365 Politics, Games, and Strategy
- PSC 3375 Model United Nations
- PSC 4303 International Human Rights
- PSC 4305 International Law
- PSC 4315 Political Geography
- PSC 4346 Intelligence and Covert Action
- PSC 4355 Power, Morality and International Relations
- PSC 4365 International Political Economics
- PSC 4375 International Organization
- PSC 4384 Principles of Political Development
- PSC 4385 Diplomacy in Theory and Practice
- PSC 4395 Terrorism
- PUBH 4340 Global Health
- SWO 4317 Human Trafficking
- PSC 4384 Principles of Political Development
- PSC 4397 Dictatorship, Democracy and Regime Change
- BIC 4374 World Cultures V: Differing Visions & Realities
2. Economics
BL 4345 Global Trade Compliance
BUS 3310 Multinational Business (Summer in Europe)
ECO 2307 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 4334 Economic Development
ECO 4338 Economic Systems of the World
ECO 4343 History of Economic Thought
FIN 4331 International Business Finance
INB 3305 Global Business
INB 3332 Business in the Global
INB 3333- Doing Business Across Cultures
INB 4345 Global Trade Compliance
MKT 4325 International Marketing
3. Belief Systems
HIS 3395 Historiography and Philosophy of History
PHI 3305 British Philosophy & Culture
PHI 3312 History of Philosophy: Modern European Philosophy
PHI 4340 East Asian Philosophy
PHI 4341 Contemporary Continental Philosophy
PSC 3363 Western Political Thought: Classical and Medieval
PSC 3373 Western Political Thought: Modern
PSC 4379 Islam and Democracy
PSC 4383 Contemporary Political Thought
REL 3333 History of Roman Catholicism
REL 3345 World Religions
REL 3394 War and Peace in Christian Tradition
REL 4340 Christian Missions
REL 4348 Modern Judaism
SOC 4325 Sociology of Religion