Course Descriptions
Political Theory/Political Philosophy
PSC 4313 Politics and Literature
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing
Study of fundamental questions of political theory as treated in works of literature. Topics my include authority, law and discretion, the individual and the community, and the nature of freedom, especially as these issues emerge in different political orders. This course may be taken more than once, for a maximum of six credit hours, when content differs.
PSC 4383 Contemporary Political Thought
Twentieth-century political ideas, with emphasis on contemporary democratic political theory and the challenges posed for traditional democratic ideals by major movements in contemporary psychological, existentialist, ethnic, feminist, socialist, and nationalist thought, and by problems rising from technology, mass society, and the observations of empirical political science.
PSC 5311 Readings from the Philosophers (Cross-listed as PHI 5311)
An intensive, critical reading of selected works of major philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Russell, and Rawls. Other philosophers may be added to this list.
PSC 5333 Seminar in Political Philosophy (Cross-listed as PHI 5333)
Select topics and issues in contemporary political theory developed and explored with an emphasis on the seminal writings of original thinkers and on the contemporary debates surrounding these writings. Possible themes of this course include postmodern political thought, neo-Kantian and neo-Hegelian political theory, contemporary liberal and communitarian thought, theories of justice, and contemporary relevance of ancient political philosophy.
PSC 5343 Classical Political Thought (Cross-listed as PHI 5343)
Study of selected major texts in classical (Greek and Roman) political thought, with an emphasis on the origin of political philosophy in the thought of Socrates and its development in the works of Plato and Aristotle. This course may be repeated, for a maximum of nine credit hours, when content differs.
PSC 5353 Medieval Political Thought (Cross-listed as PHI 5353)
Study of the selected major texts in medieval political thought, with an emphasis on either major thinker(s) or theme(s). Themes may include nature and grace, politics and salvation, theology and practical wisdom. This course may be repeated, for a maximum of nine credit hours, when content differs.
PSC 5363 Modern Political Thought (Cross-listed as PHI 5363)
Study of selected major texts in modern political thought, from Machiavelli to Nietzsche. This course may be repeated, for a maximum of nine credit hours, when content differs.
PSC 5373 Contemporary Democratic Theory
Study of themes, issues and debates defining the contemporary conversation about democracy among political theorists. Texts will include works of major importance to recent democratic theory.
PSC 5393 Advanced Seminar in Political Philosophy (Cross-listed as PHI 5393)
Prerequisite(s): PSC 5343, 5353, or 5363; or the equivalent, with the consent of the Graduate Director.
Concentrated study of major thinkers or texts in the history of political philosophy. This course may be taken more than once, for a maximum of nine credit hours, when content differs.
American Political Institutions
PSC 4300 Political Behavior (Cross-listed as AMS 4300)
Psychological and social dimensions of political behavior including political images, culture and socialization, participation, leadership, elites, parties and interest groups, voting behavior, and decision making processes.
PSC 4310 Politics and Communication (Cross-listed as CSS 4310)
The dynamic relationships between political and communication institutions; topics include political discourse, news and information, and portrayal of politics in popular entertainment.
PSC 4320 African American Politics (Cross-listed as AMS 4321)
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing
Contemporary African American politics, including leading theories and paradigms, important social and political movements, prominent leaders, party politics, and role of the "Black Church".
PSC 4330 Urban Political Processes (Cross-listed as ENV 4330)
Political institutions and processes in metropolitan areas, including social, economic, and governmental problems resulting from increased urbanization.
PSC 4340 African American Communication (Cross-listed as CSS 4354)
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing
Rhetorical strategies of African Americans, focusing on the historically important documents of oratory, argumentation, homiletic, and narrative.
PSC 4350 Political Parties
The diverse roles of political parties in representative democracies, with emphasis on the American experience.
PSC 4360 Religion and the Body Politic (Cross-listed as CHS 4360, HIS 4360, and REL 4360)
Theological foundations, historical roles, and political directions of religion in the body politic in the United States. Particular attention will be given to the ways in which religion has been and is involved in the body politic and the political consequences of religion in the life of the nation.
PSC 4370 Politics and Religion (Cross-listed as CHS 4370)
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing
The dynamic interaction between religion and politics in the United States and other countries, including the effect of political outcomes in the context of voting, legislative and executive policy-making, and the law.
PSC 4380 Government and Business
Government in relation to the economy. Public policy with respect to such vital areas as maintenance of competition, public utilities, transportation, labor, agriculture, protection of the investor, and foreign economic policy.
PSC 5310 Seminar in American Politics
Examination of American politics, institutions, and behavior. Topics will vary within the subfield of American politics. May be repeated three times for graduate credit when topics differ.
PSC 5330 American Political Development (Cross-listed as AMS 5330)
Study of the development and reform of political institutions and practices over the course of American history.
PSC 5340 The American Founding (Cross-listed as AMS 5340)
Study of the debates on the proper structure, institutional arrangements, and purposes of government during the Founding period focusing on the creation and ratification of the American constitution.
PSC 5350 Seminar in Presidential Rhetoric (Cross-listed as CSS 5350)
Survey of the genres of presidential rhetoric and theories of the rhetorical presidency; critical analysis of presidential discourse in selected eras, with focus on texts in context; methods of evaluating presidential communication.
PSC 5361 Seminar on Religion and Politics in America (Cross-listed as CHS 5361, HIS 5361, and REL 5361)
A readings and research seminar covering the relationship of religion and politics throughout American history. Special attention will be given to the ways that the intersection of religion and politics both shape and is shaped by the larger American culture.
PSC 5V12 Graduate Internship
Prerequisite(s): Consent of Director of Graduate Studies required.
Internship of a minimum of three months of supervised, full-time employment. The experience combines practical field experience and research. Completion of the course requires a written report on the work done during the internship. Students seeking the MA in International Relations must work in a public or private concern involved in international affairs. Students seeking the MA in Public Policy Administration or the JD/MPPA must work in a public sector agency. All students must secure the permission of the Director of Graduate Studies to take this course.
Public Law
PSC 4305 International Law
Nature and origins of international law and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the states under that law, as well as the problems which have arisen in its interpretation and enforcement.
PSC 4307 Environmental Law (Cross-listed as ENV 4307)
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor.
Fundamentals of environmental protection laws in the United States, including the evolution of environmental law in the areas of case law, common law, and administrative law. Topics include air and water quality, toxic and hazardous substances, endangered species, and wetlands and coastal management issues.
PSC 4321 Administrative Law
Nature and the law of the administrative procedure, of separation and delegation of powers, and of the scope of judicial review and other remedies against administrative actions.
PSC 4361 American Constitutional Law (Cross-listed as AMS 4361)
Constitutional law of the United States with basic cases concerning such subjects as separation of powers, federalism, the taxing and spending powers, and interstate and foreign commerce.
PSC 4381 American Constitutional Law (Cross-listed as AMS 4381)
Continuation of PSC 4361, but may be taken independently of that offering. Deals with those cases relating particularly to personal liberty and civil rights.
PSC 5321 Seminar in Public Law
Role(s) of the judiciary in American politics and administration. Areas examined may include American constitutional development, constitutional and legal interpretation, judicial behavior and politics, including the role of interest groups and public opinion, and judicial recruitment. May be repeated three times for graduate credit when topics differ.
PSC 5339 Seminar on Church and State in the United States (Cross-listed as CHS 5339, HIS 5339, and REL 5339)
A seminar offered in conjunction with the departments of history, political science, religion, and sociology-anthropology; a historical examination of the emergence of the religion clauses in the American Constitution and the judicial interpretations given these clauses in the light of America's claim of a free and pluralistic society, with special attention given to contemporary church-state issues in American society.
PSC 5341 Seminar on Church-State Relations in the Modern World (Cross-listed as CHS 5341 and REL 5341)
A study of the major contemporary patterns of church-state relations outside the United States, with attention placed on the role played by religion in the quest for national identity and in international affairs.
PSC 5344 Comparative Constitutional Law
Comparative analysis of constitutional theory and development, the link between democracy and constitutionalism, and the role of judicial review. Different constitutional approaches to issues such as executive-legislative relations, federalism, political participation, and civil liberties will be considered.
Public Policy/Administration
PSC 4322 Seminar in Public Administration
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing
A course for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students contemplating careers requiring administrative skills. Topics, which will be chosen to meet the special needs of students, include the study of public personnel techniques and methods, project design and analysis, and program budgeting.
PSC 4342 Public Policy and the Courts
Course examines the role assumed by the Supreme Court in the making of public policy, its history, its justification, and its limits, by looking at such areas as economic policy (e.g., property rights, economic regulation, contracts); civil rights policy (e.g., segregation and affirmative action); social policy (e.g., family rights, child-rearing, education, reproduction issues); and campaign finance regulation. Class will read both Court cases and secondary literature on judicial policy-making.
PSC 5320 Seminar in Comparative Public Policy
Modern industrial state in Western democracies from a comparative policy perspective, with selected emphasis on such topics as economic management, re-industrialization, social welfare, environmental protection, education, health care, defense, and housing/transportation.
PSC 5322 Seminar in Public Administration
Special topics, including organizational theory, administrative behavior and personnel management, financial management and budgeting, program management and evaluation, and quantitative analysis. May be repeated for credit when topics differ.
PSC 5342 Seminar on Religion, Law, and Politics (Cross-listed as CHS 5342, PHI 5342, and REL 5340)
A historical examination of liberal and republican traditions of government and their relationship to church-state relations, with particular emphasis on the influence of both traditions on the American constitutional system. Special attention is given to communitarianism and individualism, especially in their treatment of religion as competing systems in rights-based liberal democracies.
PSC 5392 Professional Paper in Public Policy and Administration
Satisfies the non-thesis option for the Master of Public Policy and Administration degree and the Master of Arts in International Relations degree. A problem or topic in either public policy or administration will be selected, and the student will write a substantial paper for submission to the faculty. May not be taken if PSC 5V12 (Internship) is required.
Comparative Politics
PSC 4304 Governments and Politics of Latin America
Forms of organization, functions, and operations of governments in Latin America, with emphasis on contemporary conditions, trends, and distinctive types of Latin American institutions and policies.
PSC 4314 Government and Politics of Mexico
Constitutional development and political processes in the Mexican federal system. Emphasis will be placed on twentieth-century constitutional and political change, with special attention given to the current scene.
PSC 4324 British Government and Politics
Foundations, processes, and politics of British government. Emphasis will be given to political parties and interest groups, parliament, cabinet and administration, judiciary, and the prime minister. Analysis of current political issues and policies will be undertaken.
PSC 4334 Governments and Politics of the Middle East
Political structures and processes of the Middle East nations with an emphasis on elites, political parties, interest groups, and bureaucracies. Inter-regional relations, nationalism, the impact of religion and the Arab-Israeli conflict will be considered. Problems of nation-building, regional cooperation, as well as super- and great-power penetration, will also be explored.
PSC 4344 Government and Politics of Russia
Historical and cultural background, the organization and functions of government, and the theory and practice of Russian politics. Emphasis is given to Russia's relationships with associated states.
PSC 4354 Governments and Politics of Western Europe
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing.
A comparative study of the forms of government organization, political processes, and major developments in Western Europe. The course emphasizes parliamentary forms of democracy.
PSC 4364 The Governments and Politics of the Asia-Pacific Region (Cross-listed as AST 4364)
Historical development of the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on the contrasting roles played by China, Japan, and the United States. Discussion of alternative models of economic development and the impact of ASEAN and APEC on regionalism. Survey of the socio-political conditions in and among the region's states, with special attention devoted to Korean unification and cross-strait relations.
PSC 4374 Governments and Politics of East Asia (Cross-listed as AST 4374)
Government organization and functions, political processes, and major developments in the political systems of Japan, China, and Korea since World War II.
PSC 4379 Islam and Democracy (Cross-listed as CHS 4379 and PHI 4379)
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing
Examines the evolution of political philosophy and institutions in Muslim culture.
PSC 5324 Seminar in Comparative Politics
Political culture, institutions, processes, and policies from a cross national perspective. Emphasis on role of political, economic, social, and cultural factors relating to political development, stability, and organization. Research topics and primary country analyses may vary.
International Relations
PSC 4303 International Human Rights (Cross-listed as CHS 4303)
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing
The philosophy and implementation of human rights protection in the United States and abroad.
PSC 4315 Political Geography (Cross-listed as GEOG 4315)
Concepts and principles of political geography. Analysis of dynamics of spatial relations and interactions of states. Comparison of main approaches, including geo-politics. Study of state elements, especially territorial integrity and frontiers. Survey and analysis of world political patterns.
PSC 4316 Grand Strategy
Grand strategy defines the interests of a state, the threats to those interests, and the policies and military forces needed to minimize the danger posed by those threats. This course examines grand strategies of great powers to determine the relationship between a great power's grand strategy and stability in international politics.
PSC 4325 Asian International Relations (Cross-listed as AST 4325)
Historical and cultural background and structure of the emerging international order in Asia, with particular attention to the role of Japan, Russia and the Soviet successor states, and the People's Republic of China.
PSC 4335 Public Discourse and Foreign Policy (Cross-listed as CSS 4353)
An analytical approach to the discourse generated by United States foreign policy in the post-World War II era. Topics covered include the nature of public opinion and foreign policy, rhetorical and political constraints on foreign policy discourse, and in-depth analysis of the arguments for and against the conflict in Vietnam.
PSC 4346 Intelligence and Covert Action
This course provides students with the ability to evaluate the impact of intelligence, counterespionage, and covert action policies on national security policy and international relations.
PSC 4355 Power, Morality, and International Relations
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing
The influence of moral principles on international politics.
PSC 4365 International Political Economics
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above
The intersection of politics and economics at the domestic and international levels. Political outlooks considered include liberalism, Keynesianism, and Marxism.
PSC 4375 International Organization
Fundamentals of international politics and international law, advancing to an intensified study of past and, particularly, present international organizations, especially the United Nations.
PSC 4385 Diplomacy in Theory and Practice
Prerequisite(s): Upper-level standing.
How states and other international actors communicate and pursue their foreign policy objectives through the use of diplomatic agents and techniques.
PSC 4395 Terrorism
This course is intended to explain and evaluate the effectiveness of terrorism as coercive strategy for states and non-state actors as well as the threat terrorism poses to the interests of the United States.
PSC 5315 Development of International Relations Thought
A study of major thinkers on international politics through history, with reference to contemporary international relations thought.
PSC 5325 Seminar in International Relations
Theories concerning relations among nations, foreign policy formation and administration, and cases of cooperation and conflict within the society of nations. Research topics vary so as to cover a broad range of contemporary issues, problems, and diplomatic practice.
PSC 5335 Seminar in National Security Decision Making
Analysis of the components of national security strategy and those international and domestic factors that shape it. Seminar covers the process, factors, institutions, and issues in national security decision making.
PSC 5345 American Foreign Policy
Course examines the theory and practice of American foreign policy. Emphasis is on major issues in United States diplomacy and basic ideas governing American foreign policy.
PSC 5355 Development of Strategic Thought
This seminar will examine the ideas of strategic thinkers who lived in a variety of historical periods. Students will read works by major strategists including Thucydides, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, and Clausewitz.
PSC 5395 Professional Paper in International Relations
Under the direction of a supervising professor, a problem or topic in international relations to be selected and a substantial paper to be written. This is one of the options for the Master's in International Relations.
PSC 5312 Social Science Data Analysis (Cross-listed as SOC 5312)
Prerequisite(s): SOC 1305, 2301 and 3402; or equivalents
This is a data-intensive course designed to acquaint students with the wide variety of available data types and sources for social science research. Students learn to access, analyze, and critique these various data types. In analyzing these data, we begin with simple univariate distributional statistics and progress through bivariate regression and correlation.
PSC 5323 Research Design and Research Methods (Cross-listed as ENV 5323)
Introduction to the discipline of political science, focusing particularly on research methods, research design, and questions relating to the philosophy of science.
PSC 5391 Reading Course in Political Science
Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of instructor
A tutorial course designed for advanced graduate study in political science to supplement other course requirements. The nature, limits, and requirements will be established in each instance after consultation between professor and student. May be repeated under a different topic for a total of six hours credit.
PSC 5V99 Thesis
Directed readings done in conjunction with an undergraduate course for which the student serves as a teaching apprentice. Course requirements include graduate-level research paper and annotated bibliography of undergraduate course materials. May be taken three times for graduate credit, in conjunction with different undergraduate courses.
PSC 6V10 Prospectus Research
Prerequisite(s): Completion of regular coursework
Supervised research for developing and writing a dissertation prospectus that will be the subject of an oral defense that will admit students to candidacy. A student may repeat this course for credit with a maximum of twelve total hours. Registration for this course is the equivalent of full-time status for graduate students.
PSC 6V99 Dissertation
Prerequisite(s): Consent of the student's supervisory committee and admission to candidacy.
Supervised research for the doctoral dissertation with a minimum of twelve semester hours required.