Olivia Carroll
Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science; 2022

B.A., Political Science and Communication Studies, Lee University, 2012
M.A., Political Science, Baylor University, 2014
Olivia entered the Ph.D program at Baylor University in the fall of 2012. She received her Bachelor's in Political Science and in Communication Studies from Lee University, where she graduated summa cum laude and received the Department Award for the History & Political Science Department. While at Baylor, she has studied political philosophy, politics and literature, and international relations, earning her Master's degree in the process. She has served the Baylor community by being the department representative in the Graduate Student Association (GSA), working in the Graduate Office, and by serving on various university committees, including the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Committee.
Olivia also received an Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award for her first class, Fundamentals of International Politics. The nomination packet reviewed by a committee for this honor included a statement of teaching philosophy, a list of professional development activities related to teaching, a complete report of teaching evaluations, a letter from a mentoring faculty member, and a letter from a student in the eligible class.
"Diplomatic Immunity: An Investigation into Its Nature and Current Proposals for Change" Advisor: Dr. David Clinton
Teaching Experience
Teacher of Record
PSC 3315 Fundamentals of International Politics (Fall 2015)
Teaching Apprentice
PSC 3304 Comparative Politics (Spring 2015)
PSC 2302 HON American Constitutional Development (Fall 2014)
Teaching Assistant
PSC 3330 American Presidency (Fall 2013)
PSC 4304 Human Rights (Spring 2013)
PSC 3325 Ethnopolitical Conflicts (Fall 2012)
PSC 2302 American Constitutional Development (Fall 2012)