Jacob Boros
Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science; 2021

B.A., History and Politics, St. Vincent College, 2016
Jacob joined the Department of Political Science at Baylor in 2016. He has participated in study programs sponsored by the Hertog Foundation and the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, and was awarded the departmental award by both the History and Politics departments at Saint Vincent College. He also received funding for research in England from Saint Vincent’s A.J. Palumbo Student Research Endowment. Jacob’s academic interests include American political thought and intellectual history, the intersection of political philosophy and physical/human geography, the history of cartography, and classical political thought.
Papers Presented
“The Hereford Mappa Mundi: A Medieval View of the Universe”
Saint Vincent College Academic Conference, Latrobe, PA, April 2016
“A Magnificent Dwelling: The Relationship between Democracy and Natural Circumstance in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America”
Saint Vincent College Academic Conference, Latrobe, PA, April 2016
“Method to the Madness: The Method of the Discourse in Descartes’ Meditations”
Eastern Pennsylvania Philosophical Association Meeting, Allentown, PA, March 2015
Saint Vincent College Academic Conference, Latrobe, PA, April 2015