David Bridge
Associate Professor of Political Science

Ph.D., University of Southern California
M.A., University of Southern California
B.A., University of Southern California
Dave Bridge studies American politics, American political and Constitutional Development, American public policy, judicial politics, and the Supreme Court. Professor Bridge graduated from the University of Southern California in 2010. His dissertation examines the ways in which party leaders can employ the Court to accomplish their political and policy goals. Finding a three-stage cycle to the Court's political development, it seeks to integrate the Judiciary into the larger story of public policy, party governance, electoral politics, and critical realignment.
Courses at Baylor
PSC 1305 American National Government: A course in American national government with emphasis on the historical background, structure, organization, and functioning of that government.
PSC 2302 American Constitutional Development: An historical and institutional study of the background, content, development, and interpretation of the United States Constitution.
PSC 3322 American Public Policy: An introductory study of how the dynamics of governmental decision making influence the content of public policy; course focuses upon how legislators, interest groups, chief executives, and the bureaucracy function to define alternatives and to shape policy agenda and content.
PSC 3340 Campaigns and Elections: The United States electoral process and structure primarily from an institutional perspective with emphasis on the role of political parties, interest groups, and citizens in political campaigns and elections.
PSC 4342 Public Policy and the Courts: Course examines the role assumed by the Supreme Court in the making of public policy, its history, its justification, and its limits, by looking at such areas as economic policy (e.g., property rights, economic regulation, contracts); civil rights policy (e.g., segregation and affirmative action); social policy (e.g., family rights, child-rearing, education, reproduction issues); and campaign finance regulation. Class will read both Court cases and secondary literature on judicial policy-making.
Courses to be introduced
Social Policy: A look at current and historic American domestic policies that have social and moral implications. Attention will be given to the policy-making process, the relevant actors and interests, and the significance and consequences of such policy. The US Supreme Court and the Judicial Process: Examination of the role of the Court within American politics. Includes a look at the political development of the Court, landmark cases, the politics of appointment, decision-making on the Bench, and how decisions are implemented.
Works in Progress
"The Supreme Court and the Governing Regime in Political Time" "Swing and a Miss: Andrew Johnson's Biggest Mistake" "You Sunk My Constitution: Employing Board Games in the Classroom"