Elizabeth Weisser
Full-Time Temporary Lecturer Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science; 2021

Full-Time Temporary Lecturer
Political Science Department
Baylor University
Waco, TX
Elizabeth Goyette received a BA in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California, and then an MA and PhD in Political Science from Baylor University. While at Baylor, Dr. Goyette studied Political Theory, American Politics, and Constitutional Law. Dr. Goyette wrote her dissertation on Moral Perception in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. She is especially interested in Ancient Political Philosophy. As a lecturer at Baylor, Dr. Goyette has taught “The Unites States Constitution, Its Interpretation, and the American Political Experience,” “Introduction to Western Political Philosophy,” and “Ancient and Medieval Political Philosophy.”
Ph.D., Political Science, Baylor University
M.A., Political Science, Baylor University
B.A., Liberal Arts, Thomas Aquinas College
Degree Date: March 2022
Dissertation Title: "Seeing the Good; Moral Perception in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics"
Dissertation Directors: Dr. Timothy Burns, Dr. Ann Ward
Teaching Interests:
History of Political Philosophy, American Political Thought, Constitutional Law